Miho Museum

The temperature and breeze yesterday was perfect in Cleveland. It brought to mind a special moment at the Miho Museum in Shigaraki Japan shared last autumn between Kohyama Sensei, Austalian artist Tania Rolland, and myself. It was only a moment, but it was one in which we all stopped in silence to appreciate the random act before us. It was also one of the highlights of my being in Japan. 

Garbage inside the atrium swirled around and danced before us, witnessing to the fact that wonder and beauty can be found in the most unexpected places. It felt a little sacrilegious to capture even a portion of it on video. I couldn't help myself. Like so many things in Japan, it was the circle within the circle. None of the museum's antiquities, not even the stunning architecture of I. M. Pei commanded a majestic quality such as this. In an instant I knew that in fact I was alive.

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